Friday, April 11, 2014

Celosia Mottos

* against the forceful tide

* growth under the surface (found here)

I was reading an ebook the other night by Connie Stults called Finding Your Vision: Beginning (or Continuing) Your Homeschool Journey with the End in Mind. I found it very thought-provoking to work through her questions.

In a nutshell, my desire for homeschooling Raccoon and Kitty is to help them love God, love themselves, and love others.

But how are we going to get there? This is where I find picture phrases helpful.

Against the forceful tide - develop a strong sense of self-worth and self-knowledge, value diversity, be hardworking, inventive, creative, confidant, strive for excellence, unafraid to be different, bold, to speak against injustice and to be passionate.

Growth under the surface -  I want each of my children to be able to grow their own way in their own time, learning as a lifestyle, every day with the end in mind

The kind of teacher I want to be? Someone who believes in their potential and is confident that we will arrive together.


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