Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Object of Education to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.
- Robert M. Hutchins
Raccoon will be attending preschool twice a week in the fall. I am wondering if I should continue doing Tot School on the other days, although technically he's not a tot anymore. I do plan on as many field trips as we can afford, to the aquarium, the zoo, the children's museums, etc. The quote above really is my goal for this next school year. I want to feed his love of learning so that he seeks out knowledge and wisdom his whole life long, while living a happy life.

"There will never be enough hours in a life to learn all that is available to modern man, nor is it worth the life that would be given in exchange. I need to put the knowledge beast on a diet. Knowledge may be power, but its price is a life well lived." Jen from Laughing at Chaos.

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